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José María Ruiz Vargas

PVP: 23,90 €

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Ordenación 3 artículos en 1 páginas
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Arts and crafts. 1 Primary. Savia

Noguera Ricardi, Rita

Editorial: SM
ISBN: 978-84-15743-22-4
PVP: 27,86 €

Savia Arts and Crafts motivates pupils through a practical hands-on approach to learning. Designed to help bring out the creative side of pupils and develop their artistic ability.Interdisciplinary contents that are related to Social Science or Natural Science.A special focus on values in the The importance of... sections.Artistic autonomy through structured learning and simple language.Presentation of artistic techniques in order to practice creatively.At SM we know that education stands for development. 'Savia' means 'sap' in Spanish, and, just like plant sap, education nourishes, develops ...

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Plástica. 4 Primaria. Savia

Noguera Ricardi, Rita

Editorial: SM
ISBN: 978-84-675-7561-3
PVP: 27,86 €

El proyecto Savia para Plástica acerca a los alumnos a la observación y la experiencia artística a través de conceptos contextualizados e ilustrados, ejemplos y variados desarrollos prácticos. Tiene un carácter interdisciplinar, y permite reforzar contenidos de las áreas de Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias de la Naturaleza además de prestar especial atención al trabajo en valores a través de secciones como Valorarte.El libro del alumno presenta actividades de observación y expresión que fomentan el uso de diferentes materiales. También incluye propuestas tridimensionales y trabajos colaborativos y cooperativos. Ad ...

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Arts and crafts. 3 Primary. Savia

Noguera Ricardi, Rita

Editorial: SM
ISBN: 978-84-16346-09-7
PVP: 26,29 €

Savia Arts and Crafts motivates pupils through a practical hands-on approach to learning. Designed to help bring out the creative side of pupils and develop their artistic ability.Interdisciplinary contents that are related to Social Science or Natural Science.A special focus on values in the The importance of... sections.Artistic autonomy through structured learning and simple language.Presentation of artistic techniques in order to practice creatively.At SM we know that education stands for development. 'Savia' means 'sap' in Spanish, and, just like plant sap, education nourishes, develops a ...

Ordenación 3 artículos en 1 páginas
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